Загальна інформація
National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine
General Information
Full title is NGO "National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine."
Short title is (NAAASU).
The association was found on March 11, 2003 as a non-profit private organization.
Certificate of registration of association №1971 was issued by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 10, 2003.
President - Ivan Pankiv.
The first president of NAAASU was Roman Scmidt.
Mykola Grytsenko was acting president of NAAASU until October, 2011.
The purpose of the Association is to promote the improvement welfare of rural population and rural development by increasing the knowledge and practical skills of rural population and agricultural producers and protect the social, economic, professional and other common interests of its members.
Principal duties:
Primary targets of the Association are:
- The association conducts educational activities for rural population, agricultural producers, members of the Association and others in the fields of management, marketing, law, ecology, modern technology etc.
- The association promotes and implements modern achievements of science, engineering, technology, new forms and methods of work for rural population and agricultural producers.
- The association coordinates the activities of rural population, agricultural producers, members of the Association and others.
- The association contributes training of experts by organizing training programs.
- The association represents and protects the legitimate rights and interests of their members in authorities.
- The association makes the offers concerning the creating and improving of regulatory acts, regulates agricultural advisory services in Ukraine.
- The association promotes cooperation of the members with international organizations and partners involved in advisory services.
- The association supports the lucrative activity of agricultural enterprises and improves welfare of the rural population.
- The association popularizes itself and extends information about educational programs, projects. Moreover organization creates conditions for access to the members of the association to databases.
NAAASU is represented by their members - agricultural advisors and agricultural extension services, whose activities are governed by the Law of Ukraine "Agricultural Advisory Services", in all regions of Ukraine.
Head office of NAAASU is located in Kiev.
President of association is Pankiv Ivan, vice president of association is - Andriienko Svetlana, Kropyvko Mykhailo, Brivko Tetiana, Maksym Maksymov.
E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.">doradaukraine@gmail.com.
Web: http://dorada.org.ua, https://www.facebook.com/adm.NAAASU, https://www.youtube.com/user/doradaukraine.
NAAASU has a huge experience of research, lobbying, information, educational projects, legislative drafting, development of state programs, as well as experience in working with foreign and international organizations, international technical assistance projects in different countries.
NAAASU has already held hundreds of seminars, roundtable discussion and scientific conferences, including international.
NAAASU has founded several textbooks, such as: "Fundamentals of agricultural Advisory in Ukraine" and "Handbook for agricultural advisers”. Moreover association composed papers and documents of the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine in 3 volumes, programs, booklets, brochures, manuals, etc.
NAAASU provides information through website of the association, newspaper “Journal of National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services”, “Journal “Farmer of Ukraine”, national radio, TV etc.
NAAASU initiated the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “Agricultural Advisory Services”.
The association and its members cooperate in partnership with international programs, projects of World Bank, FAO, European Commission, the governments of the United States, Canada, UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, and with advisory services in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Japan, Belarus, China and Russian Federation.